PHP Gradient

The Gradient package can be used as an intermediate representation of an RGB color gradient.
It means that you can use it as an in-between state when you convert a concreate gradient implementation to another.

Gradient can be also used as a standalone class for working with color gradients in PHP.
It has a very useful getColorAt method to calculate the RGB values at any given point on the gradient.

You can read the full souce of this page in demo.php, click here to visit the repository.

You can click this label to toggle .

Basic usage

You can create a new black to white gradient like this:

Toggle code
$grad = new Gradient();
$grad->addStop(0, 0, 0, 0);
$grad->addStop(255, 255, 255, 100);

Then use the getColorAt method to retrieve colors from any location on the gradient:

Toggle example
$grad->getColorAt(0); $grad->getColorAt(25); $grad->getColorAt(50); $grad->getColorAt(75); $grad->getColorAt(100);
rgb(0, 0, 0)
rgb(64, 64, 64)
rgb(128, 128, 128)
rgb(191, 191, 191)
rgb(255, 255, 255)

This feature lets you build simple utilities, like generating darker/lighter variations of colors.
Here's an example using Bootstrap's palette:

Toggle example
Code sample
$grad = new Gradient();
$grad->addStop(0, 0, 0, 0);         // Black
$grad->addStop(0, 123, 255, 50);    // Bootstrap PRIMARY color
$grad->addStop(255, 255, 255, 100); // White
rgb(0, 123, 255)
rgb(0, 62, 128)
rgb(128, 189, 255)
$grad = new Gradient();
$grad->addStop(0, 0, 0, 0);         // Black
$grad->addStop(40, 167, 69, 50);    // Bootstrap SUCCESS color
$grad->addStop(255, 255, 255, 100); // White
rgb(40, 167, 69)
rgb(20, 84, 35)
rgb(148, 211, 162)
$grad = new Gradient();
$grad->addStop(0, 0, 0, 0);         // Black
$grad->addStop(220, 53, 69, 50);    // Bootstrap DANGER color
$grad->addStop(255, 255, 255, 100); // White
rgb(220, 53, 69)
rgb(110, 27, 35)
rgb(238, 154, 162)
$grad = new Gradient();
$grad->addStop(0, 0, 0, 0);         // Black
$grad->addStop(255, 193, 7, 50);    // Bootstrap WARNING color
$grad->addStop(255, 255, 255, 100); // White
rgb(255, 193, 7)
rgb(128, 97, 4)
rgb(255, 224, 131)

So far so good, but how are we going to actually render a gradient? Just read on...

Css renderer

Rendering a gradient is very simple, just choose one of the bundled renderer classes like CssGradientRenderer, and use it like this:

Toggle code

$grad = new Gradient();
$grad->addStop(131, 58, 180, 0);
$grad->addStop(253, 29, 29, 50);
$grad->addStop(253, 252, 176, 100);

$render = new CssGradientRenderer($grad);


<div style="width:100%;height:50px;background:<?= $render ?>"></div>
<pre><?= $render ?></pre>

This outputs something similar:

Toggle example
linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(131, 58, 180) 0%, rgb(253, 29, 29) 50%, rgb(253, 252, 176) 100%)

CssGradientRenderer has a setDirection method, you can use this, well, to set the direction of the gradient.
Assuming the gradient is the same as in the previous example, the render will look like this after calling $render->setDirection(45):

(Note that the div was resized to a square, so it's easier to see the direction)

Toggle example
linear-gradient(45deg, rgb(131, 58, 180) 0%, rgb(253, 29, 29) 50%, rgb(253, 252, 176) 100%)

Image renderer

ImageGradientRender has two additional methods, setSize (default is 100x100) and setFormat (default is png).
Let's see the previous example using this renderer:

Toggle code

$grad = new Gradient();
$grad->addStop(131, 58, 180, 0);
$grad->addStop(253, 29, 29, 50);
$grad->addStop(253, 252, 176, 100);

$render = new ImageGradientRenderer($grad);
$render->setSize(300, 50);


<img src="data:image/png;base64,<?= base64_encode($render) ?>">
<pre><?= substr($render, 0, 20) ?>...</pre>

This outputs the following:

Toggle example


The same image can be rendered in different formats.
This is the output after calling $render->setFormat('gif'):

Toggle example

Image extractor

An ImageGradientExtractor class is also provided to extract color gradients from images.
In this example we load an image, then pass it to the CSS renderer to replicate the gradient extracted from the image in pure CSS:

Toggle code
$grad   = (new ImageGradientExtractor(__DIR__.'/image1.jpg', 'jpeg'))->extract();
$render = new CssGradientRenderer($grad);

This outputs the following:

Toggle example
image1.jpg Source image
CSS gradient
image2.jpg Source image
CSS gradient

If you read images that contain a clear gradient, you're mostly fine with the default settings.

If not, ImageGradientExtractor has a third parameter to set the specific line (Y coordinate) you want to scan while extracting the gradient (you may also set this later by calling setScanPosition).
By default, the middle line of the image is scanned, however you can set it to any positive integer (Y position on the image), or a constant defined by the class.
There is one constant that is particularly interesting, SCAN_AVERAGE, which resamples the image to 1px height (once) and returns the (average) color at the given X from this copy.

Let's see some examples with more sophisticated images, so you can clearly see the differences given by this setting:

Toggle example

And now, just for fun, let's use setScanPositoin to draw the Mona Lisa to 50 divs filled with linear gradients:

Toggle example

Future plans

I will definetly add more renderers/extractors to the package, as well as simple helper classes to work with gradients.
For now, I'm happy with the results, especially the image-to-css part, as this is what I wanted to achieve in the first place with this project.

Psyklon Project